Full Moon Painting
In our Full Moon Painting we have given a well-deserved honor to one of the most symbolically charged creatures – the owl. It is believed that the image of the owl helps its owner predict the future. The owl sees everything which is invisible to human eyes.
He creates an “energy field of well-being” around himself, in which the owner feels mental comfort and can develop in the chosen direction. However, according to many folk beliefs, the owl is a bird that cannot see the light of day. It is therefore symbolically associated with darkness, evil forces, sadness, melancholy, hermitage, and loneliness.
It is undoubtedly among the most controversial characters, making it the best talisman. However, none of us is either all good or all bad. The owls in our painting appear in a moment of contemplation—in which they consciously choose to indulge their bright side. The full moon gives them that light they need by nurturing their inner strength and determination.
With this painting of ours, we hope to inspire every viewer to follow the example of our wise owls. Namely to make the conscious choice on his own and surrender to light, hope, and love.
Get in touch for more from Tornado Twins Art here .
Have a look at our first author’s exhibition in London.