Cacatúa Painting
Cacatúa Painting features a magnificent Moluccan cockatoo surrounded by a pitaya or dragon fruit. The pitaya has beautiful large fragrant flowers that can only be seen at night. For this reason, it is called the “queen of the night” or “moonflower”.
In our painting, the exquisite Cacatúa is the queen of the canvas, and not only at night. She is so cute and kind that she easily captures the heart of every viewer. If ” Cacatúa ” is hooked next to the second canvas of this series, “Jacinto”, it becomes clear, that the heart of the Hyacinth macaw is also captured by our enchanting Cacatúa.
She is also the reason why he is so happy and radiant. We hope that everyone who sees our canvas will be inspired by the lovely Cacatúa and begin to find more and more reasons for joy in the smallest and most trivial things of everyday life, such as the friendly greeting of a smiley parrot living on a canvas and surrounded by exotic fruits and plants, for example.
Get in touch for more from Tornado Twins Art here .
Have a look at our first author’s exhibition in London.